Taking the Wheel

For much too long, the needy, poor, and people of color have endured enormous hardship because of many lies designed purposefully for greed, power, and control. Those who have suffered from these hardships, and there are many, know these things. Still, some believe they can obscure facts and figures to hide these things. To keep it very real, I would do likewise if I were appended to such horror and left to explain these things to my offspring. It must be not easy. The problem still exists; however, many feel they can throw a rock at us and hide their hands while we watch everything they do. One cannot un-ring a bell.
Unreasonable Concern
If I were hinged to such horror, my first action would be to divorce myself from this curse at all costs. Unfortunately, some have been led to believe that their wealth and political influence will provide them “privilege” to “stay the course.” Indigent, poor, and people of color are not vindictive. If they were, they have occasioned many instances whereby they could have pushed back vehemently. There is a reason for their not doing so, however. Most fear God to the extent that they wish not to defile themselves by breaking ranks with their God, regardless of the circumstance. Their kindness has been viewed as a weakness for eons.
A Step Back in Time
Sometimes, many questions can be answered by a journey through antiquity. In past seasons, however, those with the money to take this journey back into time have not done so for fear of what they may observe. Some have done so and were so astounded by what they have found, so much so that they immediately conceal it from all scrutiny. These people realized no benefit by sharing this information and sometimes refused to acknowledge the existence thereof, as it did not conform with the narratives they were espousing. Knowing these things, some still dare to ask the planet to follow them over the cliff.
They commit incredible foul acts right in our faces, lie about them, and use their vast “physical” media outlets and sordid court appointments to keep the status quo. It is sad to see them “burn the books” and build the walls without remorse as they slip further into darkness. It is sad to see some people making it more difficult to explain the truth to their children as they watch with the rest of the planet. Some feel they are too privileged to lose at any game they play as ordinary people. They endeavor to make others believe them regardless of how ridiculous they appear. They constantly create narratives millions of miles from reality, all to the end, fooling themselves because they are not fooling others who look on with amazement.
Who will mind the shop?
Someone must take the reins or our entire cosmos will be directed by people incapable of handling the truth. The planet, cosmos, and universe operate upon actual value. Our universe expects a particular response from the input of specific stimuli. Without it, our entire worlds are in jeopardy. This is why I am writing this letter, knowing that those who oppose truth will vehemently oppose my assertions. This is fine with me, as I feel it is essential to share our observations with you.
Contrary to what has been shared with many, we have made discoveries unknown to many. It has been in our interest. This information could only be discovered by a select few, as it has not been in the interest of others to do so. Others have not “walked” in their shoes or bore the brunt of their intimidation and suffering. This is why the information that I will share may be frightening even to those whom it is favorable.
At the inception of slavery, many slaves were bewildered by their conditions. Any rational people would have done the same. It just so happened to be black people this time. Most possessed beliefs that did not allow them to perform certain acts. If we study the beliefs of people from the Nile Valley, we can glean this from their many papyri, hieroglyphics, and artifacts. We must remember that it was in the year 1799 the Rosetta Stone was discovered. Many centuries before, people of the Nile Valley were privy to this information. Still, it was a new revelation to the people of Europe. I will not comment further upon this discovery. Still, if one has the mentality of a jaybird, he could easily assert that the people of Kemet were familiar with its importance.
If we observe the language used in Maat, an ancient belief, it will not be difficult to believe that people of the Nile Valley region had a better grasp of what pleases God. If one peruses the Forty-two Admissions of Maat, one will observe that Maat is not designed in numerical order. Any admission can appear in any of the 42 different slots. Maat only speaks to what has NOT been done that displeases God. This is contrary to other documents that say what we Shall Not do. Many of our historians understand the complacency of disadvantaged people. They fear God, contrary to what we are observing every day in living color from our leaders. Their many lies are scary to many needy people. We also feel that we are in the window of vulnerability because of their many lies. They go as far as to drag their constituents, friends, associates, families, and children into the mote by bombarding them with deceit. Many take to it like a fish takes to water, as they have been convinced that it is in their interest despite God. We do not think this way. It is time to turn over the wheel. Someone needs to take the keys.
Forgiving is Powerful
I am not conveying this information to you to belittle anyone else or toot my own horn. I am sharing because I thought people out of the loop should know what they are confronting. Doing so, will enable some of the misinformed to see what we see on the horizon. The good part is, unlike the barbarians and tomb raiders, the shift will be soothing and welcomed greatly, as even those who have been programmed to embrace deceit will marvel at what is to occur.
There have been many stories created by humans to steer them to God. We have observed, however, that many of these stories have been passed down through a variety of kingdoms, and cultures. They have been altered, conjoined, and distorted. Amazingly, the basic message from God still prevails. This is why we have divorced ourselves from the fluff of religions in general and placed our focus on pleasing God exclusively. Doing so has enabled us to observe why so many people endured some of the harshest treatments waiting for God to arrive, while God was right between their ears. God is always with us. We must simply seek God.
We are discussing the world envisioned by the Apostle Paul who declared in the book of Hebrews in the Holy Bible that “things seen were temporal, things not seen are everlasting”. If one is observant, they too will understand that things of the physical world, sight, sound, touch, smell, and hearing are those things for which Paul was discussing. Was he speaking of the mental or spiritual dimension? It was not the physical realm as all physical tenants were omitted. We have learned, however, to default to the mental realm. We have discovered the power therein.
We have not divorced ourselves from the spiritual realm. We also understand its importance. We leave this endeavor to those more qualified to direct in this subject. We have not reached this level yet, as one must be very careful when indulging in spirituality. It has many different levels of understanding, and we have seen too many charlatans using it for personal gain, thus causing division, and confusion globally. Perhaps this is the design.
We understand that some feel deceived. There is no reason for concern if you attach yourself to a planetary diaspora of like-minded people and enjoin their mental acumen globally. Our results have been enormous. This is the reason I am asking you to simply look at our program. It’s free. You are not required to sign up for anything, and you can be any race creed, or color, as long as you are human. You will be amazed after about five days of using our simplified process. It will explain how to convert negative energy into positive success. It has nothing to do with religion. All that is required is the ability to meditate and follow simple instructions. Simply go to our website http://www.ageofmentality.com Read our cover page, and it will guide you through the process.
Just John