I Love You!

Three simple little words made Black men across the country bristle. They felt embarrassed, belittled, and humiliated when a U.S. Senator said, "I love you," to a former president in public as the world watched. It wasn’t about the words but the humiliation seeping from them. Some, however, missed this point despite popular belief. It took me over a month to process why the Senator was confident his words of admiration would serve him well. I was baffled. Many Black people were shocked and dismayed. This incident, in particular, forced me to revisit my past to understand what the Senator was trying to accomplish. Most people believed it was obvious—he was angling for the vice presidency in the upcoming election. His efforts to appeal to people of color while embracing a philosophy offensive to many were evident.
I realized I only needed to revisit a season of my life that resonates deeply with me. I recalled when a reporter from the West Virginia Gazette asked my mother, on her 102nd birthday, “Mrs. Head, why do you believe you’ve lived so long?” Her quick and resolute response: “Because I love everyone, regardless of how badly they may have treated me.” Reflecting on her words stirred deep emotions. I have known these truths since childhood, yet now, after 80 seasons, they hold new meaning. After reflecting on my past, I gained wisdom that helped me better understand the Senator’s words, though with difficulty. I had to draw on other resources to fully understand how the Senator believed he could reconcile himself with his peers and God.
Consulting Exclusively
I imagine some may wonder, “Who in the world is John Head?” I sometimes ask myself the same question. Eighty years of life have given me access to various seasons that often seem to overlap. When they do, something remarkable happens—though I can’t explain why. Many times, when I create content for my blogs, I’m amazed at myself, as it seems I have been blessed with the ability to connect past seasons, using them to unlock even more past experiences. This blessing opens a portal to history that helps me better understand what might lie ahead.
There are many names for people who are thought to foresee the future—soothsayers, fortune-tellers, shamans, and the like. I am none of these. Nor am I a preacher, a pope, a prince, or a prophet. I have been labeled a consultant. I’ve been a consultant for many years, especially in the medical and legal fields, and have received considerable blessings from that place. I am blessed with the ability to figure things out, and I’ve enjoyed great success doing so. I’m not trying to brag; I know my credentials are irrelevant in discussing these things with many. However, some of the most extensive medical facilities in the world have taken my advice and compensated me well for it. I'm still baffled about this. Does this elevate me above ordinary status? Who cares? My father often said, “One can do what they will or may.” I can only tell the truth—take it or leave it.
Many of my conclusions are inspired by others' works, and when this happens, I am happy to acknowledge their wisdom. I want to speak about the masquerade we live in today. I understand that in earlier times, Black people were unable to share their honest opinions, as most were restricted from freedom possessed by others. Therefore, they were forced to hide their thoughts. Hence, many placed them in the lyrics of songs. Sometimes, they were forced to use "Pig Latin" to explain themselves for these endeavors. I’m simply a consultant. I'm observing a season today that suggests people are reverting to the mentalities of the past. This mentality may not offend some as before, as God has given us the means to transcend it by knowing who we are and understanding our divine missions.
We have lost our land, endured enslavement, and suffered tears, hardship, and pain. Yet, the masquerade is unraveling. Many now recognize the power of humility, perhaps like the Senator, whom some believe humiliated himself and many of us. Some refuse to accept this (as stated by George Benson): “Are we happy here with this lonely game we play, searching for words to say, looking for understanding but not finding understanding anywhere.” Some are still “lost in a masquerade.” We tried to talk it over, but the words got in the way. Still, many remain lost in this masquerade.
Is It Over?
Some say yes, others say no. It depends on one's understanding of who they are. Those who do understand are endowed with abilities yet unexplored. They wear the accolades earned through time and perseverance, unknown to those without the wisdom to see. Those who choose ignorance remain blind to the power of truth and humility. However, those who seek understanding recognize the value of embracing wisdom, even from the depths of the tombs and graves of their ancestors long gone.
Perhaps Tim is wiser than we believe. Oops! I didn’t mean to mention names—maybe that was a Freudian slip. But one thing is sure: he has accumulated enough negative energy through humiliation to move mountains—if he recognizes this blessing. Knowing that when negative energy is directed at you, you can transform it into a positive force for success is powerful.
Some may bristle at my words, still programmed to reject the wisdom of our ancient ancestors—wisdom that resides not only thousands of miles away but right under our feet in America. Nonetheless, it’s almost comical to watch how many are conditioned to sabotage themselves, oblivious to the masquerade that shackled their ancestors’ bodies for generations but could never imprison their minds. They are genetically linked to them regardless. Now, the wisdom of those ancestors is effortlessly accessible to us. There are significant benefits in learning to process and engage them mentally in your private space without confrontation.
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