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Converting the Fodder

We see it every day but discard it as a coincidence. One would be remiss, however, if they did not observe people with extraordinary handicaps doing extraordinary things.  One example is when we watch people from impoverished roots become rich and famous.  Some say, "John, this does not always occur.”  I once also believed that it was coincidental in past seasons, but my surviving many seasons and observing them have enabled me to see things somewhat differently. "Things seen are temporal."  Some ask how this occurs.  My answer to this query is “Technique”!

Processing the Trespass

One must learn the proper way to process a trespass against them. The Holy Bible speaks of it. “Forgive me of my trespasses, as I forgive those who trespass against me.”  Ma’at, a belief of the ancient Egyptians (Kemet), has expressed this sentiment in many forms.  Even many Papyri of antiquity have provided us with knowledge of this ability.

I want those interested in success to understand that the foundation is already available for plucking. Whether or not one is familiar with energy, I will attempt to explain exactly what I mean in terms one can digest without thinking that I am a madman. 

We all possess magnetic energy, which we emit through our thoughts and actions. We can emit either negative or positive energy. Our ancestors learned long ago that they could harness certain powers by mentally resisting their torture and humiliation by perceiving differently than what would be customary. This is called “thinking against the grain” and is very effective. A case in point concerning my grandfather, whether fact or fiction, has not left my conscience for at least 70 years.

Papa Josh

As a young 14-year-old slave child, my grandfather was lashed with a cat of the nine tails until he lost all consciousness. People observing thought that he was dead.  Other slaves recovered him and nurtured him back to good health. We understood as children that our grandfather vowed never to feel the pain of the cat of the nine tails again. From the age of fourteen up until one hundred and one years later, when he passed away from old age, my grandfather lost all sensation in his skin. It is most painful for me to tell this story, but the most painful part was how hopeless he must have been to use his most precious blessing to stop the pain of the cat of the nine tail instead of concentrating his energy upon developing an escape route. Now I understand how he could have made that decision based on his age and knowledge at that time.  I learned much from this story, and I wish everyone knew how to harness and use this blessed energy resource.

It is written

I’m no Guru, minister, preacher, or prophet. I am NOT asking for dough or anything of this nature.  I am simply an ordinary guy who discovered some extraordinary things. I am not reluctant to share this information; I know it can never be abused or compromised. I do not subscribe to any religion, as I always obtain something good from all of them that attempt to make good sense.  I refer primarily to the Holy Bible as I have read many scriptures, and I ingest the ones for which I can more or less corroborate. The Holy Bible refers to “turning the other cheek.” This is precisely what one must learn to do to “move mountains.” 


The Brothers back in the old days would say, "My brethren, you are crazy”! I have seen the Freedom Marchers back in the day. I have observed the Black Lives Matter marches from afar. I have absorbed the energy of passive resistance. I now know that allowing people to dampen cigarettes in your hair or to be shot in the legs” is not a good feeling, nor are fire hoses or K-9 dog attacks a thing to behold.

Thank God we have evolved beyond the season whereby we must expose ourselves to violence to exist in any society. Our ancestors laid this to rest, but we must embrace and expand upon their findings. This is why I am sharing this information with you.

The “Technique”

Here, it is short and straightforward: like it or lump it. Anyone who wants to follow the rules can use this technique.

1. Trespass against no one; 2.  Accept humiliation, hate, and other evil trespasses against you as negative energy for converting into good; 3. View the trespass as “negative energy” exclusively. Do not have concerns about from whom or how the negative energy comes; 4. Always verify that the negative energy is perpetrated towards you; 5. Make sure that the offense is damaging and not merely a misunderstanding. Negative energy can be directed toward an individual or group of people.

Success using this process is contingent upon one's ability to see beyond the actual trespass and interpret the offense, as egregious as it sounds, as an expression of a blessing, love, good news, or fodder for converting to positive wherewithal.


Point of View

Sometimes, it is difficult for humans to resist the urge to retaliate for trespasses against them. I have found that to use the conversion method successfully; one must change one's point of view toward evil trespasses against oneself.  It is necessary to stop thinking about punishing those who have trespassed against us or caused harm. Understandably, this is asking a lot for some of us. However, suppose one can insert the elasticity in their reasoning long enough to appreciate the benefits available to them due to their actions. In that case, they will discover they have made a wise investment in their time. They will acquire accolades never imagined beneficial for their health, wealth, or whatever good things their hearts desire, providing they understand the rules of the road. IT IS A MENTAL THING! We must learn to control our thinking to turn the tides.

An abundance of wisdom can be acquired from old Negro Spirituals also. Their rhythm and lyrics speak to us up until this day. Many of them have been instrumental in clarifying how to use and understand the information discovered by my grandfather a century ago. It has been a bridge over troubled waters for my family for more years than I am aware.

Thanks, Papa Josh!

Heads up!



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