Will There be more Jobs or more A.I.?

Will Robots Take our Jobs by the year 2025?
Predictions Decades ago, predictions were made that computers, robotics, and automation would soon reduce the value of human labor. Outsourcing and artificial intelligence were not part of the equation at that time.
One need not be a rocket scientist to see that human labor will soon be diminished considerably. People want it easy—less work, less thinking, and more gadgets and gizmos.
One computer or robot can eliminate hundreds of employees in a heartbeat. A corporation can increase its bottom line with the flip of a switch and, in the same motion, produce hundreds of unemployed wage earners. Will robots take many of our jobs by 2025?
Once upon a time, employees were loyal to their employers. It was an unwritten agreement that if you worked for GM, you drove a Chevy, Buick, Olds, Pontiac, or Caddy. If you worked for Proctor and Gamble, you would cook with Crisco or wash with Tide. These days are long gone, but there is a reason for all this.
Antitrust Laws
Some believed that antitrust laws curtailed corporate growth after the Great Depression. These laws were designed to prevent corporations from becoming monopolies or oligopolies that could touch the lives of every human being on the planet. Some believed that these laws prevented companies from becoming too large and thereby supported the bond between employer and employee.
Many believe that Antitrust laws were either watered down or ignored altogether. Some believed that Antitrust laws slowed innovation, as merging interests enhanced innovation and financial growth. Soon, corporations started merging and expanding their will globally.
The Money Game
Once upon a time, large companies and corporations talked about "cornering the market." This phrase was short-lived once corporate directors started playing the money game. Enterprises that had "cornered the market” in their industry started making statements like: "We are not in the business of making steel; we are in the business of making money."
Foreign Shareholders
When corporate directors started playing the money game, all of the rules of the past went out the window. There is now a thin line between domestic and Foreign corporations. Shareholders and corporate directors live all over the globe.
There was one instance in American history when one major foreign investor in our stock markets owned enough stock shares to cripple our government if withdrawn. Because of disputes between our government and the government of this shareholder, our government was required to freeze the assets of this foreign investor. Shareholders and corporate directors live in many other parts of the world.
Corporate Management
We must understand that corporate management is loyal to only the shareholders and board of directors represented. There is no loyalty to any one country. Employees of these organizations are expendable. Corporate management will do whatever it takes to increase profit. Outsourcing, computers, robotics, artificial intelligence, and God knows what else will be used to improve corporate profit. There is little reason to believe corporations will return outsourced jobs if the profit margin is apparent.
Purchasing Power
Unless we wake up, smell the coffee, and start exerting efforts toward survival, many of us will become spoils of corporations' deep reach for profit. “A company must grow, or it will soon die.”
The sale of products, goods, and services still produces corporate wealth. Corporations will continue to use high-tech equipment and cheap labor to manufacture, assemble, and distribute their wares. They will employ every trick in the book to expose their products, goods, services, and ideas to consumers so that they will make purchases of their wares.
Television, radio, telephone, and the Internet are not the only resources massive corporations control in marketing their products. They make incredible offers that are difficult to refuse, but the spoils will go to the well-disciplined.
Please do not misread me. Corporations have every right to make a profit. Consumers must pull their heads out of the sand and embrace a new emerging revenue-generating market propelled by consumer discipline and awareness.
Most consumers are wage earners. They must learn to make wise purchases and " just say no" to advertising that does not provide an additional financial benefit other than the product purchased. This extra revenue will soon be an essential requirement for survival.
You can easily see coupons, rebates, discounts, etc., designed to lure consumers. However, none of these incentives will be relevant to those with little or no income to buy the products offered. We wish not to reach this point.
You be the judge!