What is the nature of this item? A few years ago, I found the need to develop a word to describe how to make sense of purchasing for profit. How can one make money from engaging in the sales process? Barter has been part of American society since its inception. It continues to rare its beauty each time we decide to purchase. The difference between then and now is that most consumers are confused about many offers. This confusion is the very reason why I coined the phrase Purchology.
There is little doubt about the products that we need or desire. However, choosing the most beneficial offer for the specific consumer can be challenging. Wisdom becomes increasingly essential in making these choices as time passes. Why?
"Vote with your dough!" One would be brain-dead to miss what is occurring with Democracy. One group of people believe that they can completely ignore most Americans and control the government by fiat. They mistakenly believe that their control of wealth will subdue the voting class of Americans. They forgot that America is a capitalistic society.
Fortunately, we can vote with our dollars if all else fails. Voting in this fashion requires a conscience when purchasing (Purchology). We are obligated to buy only from companies or individuals supporting the US. Not some other entity. They may make many offers, but we must learn to reject any proposal that does not support our cause.
How do we accomplish this? We have watched them merge, automate, outsource, and do every trick in the book to control the wealth and destiny of hundreds of millions of desperate people. Their CEOs live in homes that could house entire communities and receive dividends thousands of times larger than their salaried employees. These companies pay little taxes but exert their muscle to enact laws that will support them exclusively.
Some suggest that people form organizations to separate the good guys from the bad. Doing so allows us to determine from whom we purchase our goods. We must do due diligence in separating the wheat from the chaff. This is not an easy task. Therefore, we must concentrate on the technology designed to assist this endeavor. We must make purchases from known allies!
Stop buying from them. Why would anyone wish to make purchases from companies that pollute our environment or cause climate change if this is what we stand for? Why would anyone buy paper towels, toothpaste, electric vehicles, or visit Social media sites from companies that wish them not to vote and continuously support suppressing the vote? One will be surprised how simply "saying no" changes the game. Patriotic companies are standing with the American people, poised to fill the gap! Indulge them at all costs!
Connect to the wise. There are many refreshing suggestions on the table. We must learn to organize and be stalwart in our opinions. We must ferret out the good from the bad and the ugly. All Americans must devote themselves to Democracy or lose it.
A Tangled Web. A tangled web of companies attempts to split hairs by donating to various political efforts. This dishonesty must not deceive us. Unite with your fellow citizens! We can make a big difference by curtailing our purchasing habits. Contact a local group leader who can advise you and your family about companies that promote voter suppression and other self-serving actions. The Holy Bible tells us about serving two masters. They must make a choice, or the people must choose for them.
Some of the wisest people we know are joining the worldwide diaspora of united people for good.
Many Blessings,
Just, John